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APS School Based Health Clinics are OPEN! Call today for an appointment!

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Flu Season is Here! Learn How to Protect Your Child

Every year thousands of children contract the flu. Illness can last 3-7 days and cause multiple days of being out of school. In more severe cases, hospitalization and even death can occur. Prevention is the best method to avoid the flu. Cleaning surfaces and toys, plus regular hand washing are great methods. However, children are more likely to avoid becoming ill and are able to remain school if they receive a flu shot. The School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) of APS are here to provide access to this preventative care for all students and their siblings. APS has four SBHCs with a variety of days and operating hours available. Please contact any SBHC to schedule an appointment for your flu shot today! 


Download the Kids Clinic flier in English and Spanish.

Descarga el folleto Clínica Kids en Español y Inglés.