Community Schools

About Community Schools

Community Schools is a framework used to support the Crawford community by removing barriers to learning and supporting the success of each student.

At Crawford, the Community School Coordinator and Family Engagement Coordinator support strategic partnerships and programs that promote wellness, stability, and learning opportunities for students, families, and the wider community.

Community School Goals

  • Our students live in families who are involved leaders in their school.
  • Our students live in a healthy community where wellness is prioritized.
  • Our students feel welcome and hopeful in school.
  • Our students live in a community that is invested in the quality of their school.

Areas of Work

  • School Climate: Attendance supports, school events, and resource fairs
  • Authentic Family and Community Engagement: Community events, 2-gen academic learning programs, adult education classes, Parents In Action, and parent coffees
  • Integrated Health and Social Services: On-site medical, dental and food clinics, connection to resources and services to address social determinants of health, and resource distributions
  • Expanded Learning Time and Opportunities: Quality out-of-school time programs and summer learning opportunities